The`` Dying Rooms '' recounted a story about a`` nameless, '' seriously ill child who was left unattended without any medical treatment, waiting for death. 《死亡屋》片中讲述了一个所谓没名病童无人照顾,病重没有得到医治,只有等死的故事。
He felt a nameless terror and sensed that death was near. 他感到一种莫名的恐惧,觉得死亡将临。
In contrast, the pure tolerant and understanding affection aids the old Roth and that nameless protagonist in Everyman to mend the relationship, overcome the fear of death, regaining confidence and serenity. 但纯粹、宽容、理解的爱使老罗斯和《凡人》中无名的主人公战胜死亡恐惧,修复了亲情关系,重获自信和宁静。